Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How does the download system work?
When your test material arrives, it will include all the printed resources you require for test administration, plus a sheet of paper containing your software Download Code.
The Download Code will contain 20-alphanumeric characters (see example in Figure 1 below).
After locating your download code, go to the Download Site and register using the data block (see Figure 2 below).
Use an email address you want to be contacted at, plus create a password for your account. Then enter the Download Code you received from Matrics Fulfillment.
We would like to have some additional information to help us in providing support and, from time to time, send you communications about new products, updates and other relevant information. Your information will never be sold, leased, traded, bartered, freely given, shared or ever provided to any third party. Just for us.
After you click the “REGISTER” button for the form above, you will be taken to the Download page.
Click the “Download” link at the bottom of the screen -->
The Download Code will contain 20-alphanumeric characters (see example in Figure 1 below).

Figure 1
After locating your download code, go to the Download Site and register using the data block (see Figure 2 below).

Figure 2
Use an email address you want to be contacted at, plus create a password for your account. Then enter the Download Code you received from Matrics Fulfillment.
We would like to have some additional information to help us in providing support and, from time to time, send you communications about new products, updates and other relevant information. Your information will never be sold, leased, traded, bartered, freely given, shared or ever provided to any third party. Just for us.

Figure 3
After you click the “REGISTER” button for the form above, you will be taken to the Download page.
Click the “Download” link at the bottom of the screen -->

Steps for Download
(A) The Matrics program(s) are compressed into a ZIP archive. Select the location on your local hard drive where you want the ZIP archive to be downloaded.
(B) You will need to extract the files after the download finishes by simply double-clicking on the ZIP file and following the instructions.
(C) After extracting the files, you should see two folders -- MCCB_MSCEIT and CPT -- and a file named "Matrics_Installer.exe" which will offer installation options. You may receive an "unknown publisher" or "unrecognized app" warning when you open this file, but this can be ignored as it is safe to run the installation program.
(D) After installation, select the program you want and get to work!
For more detailed information on the MCCB_MSCEIT installation, please see the file MCCB MSCEIT Installation notes.
For more detailed information on the CPT_IP installation, please see the file CPT IP Installation notes.
We have learned of a few issues affecting use of the MCCB Computer Scoring Program — please visit